For Immediate Release

Contact: Rob Grant, Communications Director
202.966.7300, Ext. 119

Samantha Phillips, Communications Manager
202.966.7300, Ext. 154

Carole Shauffer, JD, MDe, Receives AACAP Catchers in the Rye Humanitarian Award

Washington, DC, October 11, 2018 - The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) is pleased to announce Carole Shauffer, JD, MDe, as the recipient of AACAP's 2018 Catchers in the Rye Humanitarian Award.

Ms. Shauffer has dedicated her career to ensuring children in state custody receive the care and nurturing they need to thrive and become successful adults - first as counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana and then as staff attorney, executive director, and senior director of the Youth Law Center. Ms. Shauffer has worked to transform systems to ensure they provide excellent parenting to children in their care by integrating child development principles into practice. She has litigated to end incarceration of children in adult jails, abusive conditions in juvenile facilities across the country, the use of group care to house abused and neglected children, and the failure of systems to adequately monitor children in their care. She currently leads the Quality Parenting Initiative, a developmentally focused approach to out of home care that has been adopted by over 70 jurisdictions.

AACAP’s Catchers in the Rye Awards are our most prestigious awards. AACAP’s Catchers in the Rye Humanitarian Award was established in 1990 to honor those who have made a sustained and significant contribution to pediatric mental health through activities such as advocacy, education, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, research, and/or acts of bravery/kindness. It is awarded by AACAP’s Executive Committee.

Ms. Shauffer will be recognized at AACAP's 65th Annual Meeting, October 22-27, 2018, in Seattle, WA.

For more information on this award, please contact Samantha Phillips, Communications Coordinator, at


The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry promotes the healthy development of children, adolescents, and families through advocacy, education, and research. Child and adolescent psychiatrists are the leading physician authority on children’s mental health. For more information, please visit