President's Message: Organizations Working at the Border

Dear AACAP Member,
As we all know from the headlines, thousands of immigrant children have been separated from their parents at the Texas-Mexico border. As a medical association representing physicians dedicated to the health of children and families around the globe, we know how important it is that these vulnerable children get the care and treatment they desperately need.
How can AACAP help?
AACAP has compiled a list of organizations and service agencies currently on the ground or mobilizing to help. In addition, we’ve included links from AACAP member groups, as well as resources from the American Psychiatric Association. If you know of member activity, or other organizations working at the border, please let us know, and we will be sure to add to the list.
AACAP does not have any direct affiliation or official relationships with the organizations and service agencies included in the list. If you would like to offer your services, please contact the organizations directly following the links below.
If you have questions, please contact AACAP’s Communications Office directly via email at

Karen Dineen Wagner, MD, PhD
President, AACAP

Organizations & Service Agencies

The American Psychiatric Association posted several links to organizations and service agencies helping at the border. They include:

Additional Links:

What are we missing? Let us know at .

AACAP Dislcaimer:

The document contains external links or pointers to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. These links and pointers are provided for the user’s convenience. The inclusion of links or pointers to items is not intended to reflect their importance, nor is it intended as an endorsement by AACAP of any views expressed or products or services offered on these outside sites.