Ellie's Depression
This animated short video shows a teenager and is designed to be seen by teens. Produced by, it provides an excellent description of depression. Watch Video
Why We Need to Talk About Depression
In this TED talk, Kevin Breel describes secretly struggling with severe depression throughout his teenage years. He wants to talk about his experience so others won't suffer as long. Watch Video
5 Ways to Talk about Depression with Your Parents
K- In this video, made for and by teenagers, a narrator provides information about depression and practical advice about how to talk with parents about it, as well as how to ask parents for help. Watch Video
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These apps can be helpful tools for people with depression. They should be used alongside comprehensive assessment and treatment from a trained mental health professional.
mADAP is a video-based mobile health app based on Johns Hopkins University's Adolescent Depression Awareness Program (ADAP). It was developed specifically to provide information about depression to adolescents. The app, which contains information about how adolescents can get help for depression, is available for free on Apple's App Store and Google Play.
CBT Tools for Youth
CBT Tools is another app designed specifically for youth. It provides information about depression as well as templates with which users familiar with CBT can practice their CBT skills. Coping skills and safety plans and can recorded and easily accessed. This app has an associated cost and is available at Apple's App Store.
Mood Tools
Mood Tools is another app that provides information about depression, templates that can help people practice and use their CBT skills, as well as fields for entering preferred coping skills and safety plans. The app, which does not contain advertisements, is free and is available at both Apple's App Store and Google Play.
CBT Diary
CBT Diary is still another app that makes it easy for mobile users to practice their CBT skills. This app is free but contains advertisements. It is available on Google Play.
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