Professionalism and the Internet
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Sponsored by the Ethics Committee

The whole world seems to be blogging, tweeting, texting, and friending these days, including patients and doctors. This webinar looks at the potential clinical, ethical and legal issues that can arise with the use of technology in clinical child psychiatry practice and offer some suggestions about how to solve problems and manage dilemmas. Specific case examples are discussed.

Webinar Presenters:

PART 1: Professional Boundaries and the Internet
Peter Ash, M.D.
Chief, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Emory University School of Medicine

PART 2: Prevalence, Problems and Clinical Vignettes
Sandra DeJong, M.D.
Associate Training Director, Child Psychiatry
Cambridge Health Alliance/Harvard Medical School

PART 3: Questions & Answers
Earl Magee
Ethics Committee Staff Liaison