Cultural Diversity Resource Center
Last updated December 2024
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The United States and its ever-changing cultural landscape shape the way we experience diversity. Cultural values and beliefs not only affect our daily activities and functions, but also influence the way we perceive physical and emotional distress and interventions to deal with them. Mental illness is perceived differently by various cultures, as is the ability to express certain symptoms. Some cultures have stigmatized mental illness, making it difficult for families and individuals to seek resources and interventions commonly used in western societies. Due to this, some cultures rely on alternative interventions in treating common mental health disorders. Emotional distress and mental health problems occur in all socio-cultural backgrounds. This information is intended to raise awareness of diversity issues and to assist a clinician with integrating them into their practice.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is diversity and culture?
- Why is diversity and culture important?
- How do a family's culture and values affect their child's mental health?
- How does a mental health professionals' culture and value system affect a child's treatment?
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AACAP Caucuses
AACAP’s Caucus groups provide a forum for AACAP members within their own racial/ethnic groups to network and collaborate on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)-focused initiatives. Activities include providing affinity-based mentorship, convening in safe spaces to discuss identity-focused challenges specific to their workplaces and communities, and work on programming, advocacy activities, and publications to highlight topics of shared interest within the cohorts. There are four AACAP Caucuses: Asian Caucus; Black Caucus; Hispanic/Latinx Caucus; International Medical Graduate Caucus. These groups meet at varying times throughout the year. If you wish to receive notifications of upcoming Caucus events, share your information via the Diversity and Culture Committee Special Interest Group Sign-up form.
List of AACAP Components which includes the Committee Chairs and Staff Liaison Information.
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AACAP Awards
External Award Opportunities
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CAPturing Resources
Know of a great CAP resource not listed on AACAP's website?
Share any professional development opportunities with us on the CAPturing Resources Form. Scholarships, awards, research opportunities, fellowships, supplementary training programs, research opportunities... If you think it matters, it matters!
Clinical Guidelines
Practice Parameters: AACAP's Practice Parameters were developed by a group of experts on the topic to guide clinical decision making.
AACAP's Practice Parameter for Cultural Competence in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Practice
Video Clips
Mental Health: A Guide for African American and their Families
Mental Health: A Guide for Latinos and their Families
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Training and Education
Developed by the Diversity and Cultural Committee, this curriculum was designed for training Child & Adolescent Psychiatric trainees in Diversity and Cultural Competency. Such training is considered essential as our patient population will continue to be diverse. Providing a framework for training programs as well as well as assessing the trainee’s progress is necessary. The proposed curriculum will guide training directors and faculty, so they may develop an individualized curriculum for their programs while adhering to the ACGME required milestones. The curriculum includes core requirements for all trainees and elective modules that training directors can tailor based on populations that they serve.
Download the Curriculum
Office of Minority Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Learn how to better respect and respond to your client's unique needs in this free, online training. Cultural and linguistic competency is recognized as an important strategy for improving the quality of care provided to clients from diverse backgrounds. The goal of this e-learning program is to help behavioral health professionals increase their cultural and linguistic competency.
Original Release Date: May 1, 2019
- Last Date of Review: March 1, 2021
- Expiration Date: March 31, 2025
Estimated Time to Complete this Activity: 5.0 hours
AACAP Online CME DEI Courses

Earn up to 2 AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credits™.
Learn more

Earn up to 4 AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credits™.
Learn more
ASHP Basic Research Tools and Resources
Asylum Medicine Resources
The Best Research Databases for Healthcare and Medicine (Paperpile)
Diversity in research: How to Improve Representation in Clinical Trials (Medical Economics)
Mental Health Assessment Tools for Built Environment Research (Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health)
Reaching Better Behavioral Health Outcomes with Mental Health Tools (Proem Behavioral Health)
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The “How to do CAP research: A DEI initiative” workshop series, sponsored by AACAP’s Abramson Fund, aims to support individuals at all career stages interested in CAP research, and to foster the incorporation of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) principles in research endeavors.
Resource Libraries
AACAP has created Resource Libraries for parents, patients, and clinicians to help with the impact of relevant culture and diversity issues.
Diversity and Culture Focused Publications
- Baweja, Raman, MD, MS, and Adam, Balkozar, MD. (2021, January/February). The Path Forward: International Medical Graduates (IMGs): Scholarly Work, Research, and Advocacy in Child Mental Health. AACAP News, 26-27.
- Adam, Balkozar, MD, and Young-Walker, Laine, MD. (2020, July/August). Diversity and Culture Committee: COVID-19: The Impact on Health Disparities to Children of Color and What We Can Do About It. AACAP News, 14-15.
- Li, Annie S., MD, and Cho, Jang (Jean), MD. (2020, July/August). A View in Focus: Asian Americans in the COVID-19 and Anti-Asian Racism Syndemic. AACAP News, 16-17.
- Adam, Balkozar, MD. (2020, July/August). Will There Be Enough IMG CAPs to Combat COVID-19? AACAP News, 20-21.
- Pegram, Destiny, MD. (2020, November/December). Racism and Psychiatry. AACAP News, 14.
- Xiao, Rong, MD, PhD, and Gray, Douglas, MD. (2019, January/February). A Comparison of a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellow’s Life in China and United States. AACAP News, 5-6.
- Adam, Balkozar, MD. (2019, January/February). Diversity and Culture Committee: How to Treat Unaccompanied Minors Separated at the Border. AACAP News, 12-13.
- Njoroge, Wanjiku, MD, Carlisle, Lee, MD, Weigle, Paul, MD, Agbonyitor, Mawuena, MD, MSC, and Carson, Nicholas, MD. (2019, January/February). Violent Video Exposure and Its Impact on Youth of Color. AACAP News, 40-41.
- Yoon, Yesie, MD, and Rahman, Jennifer, MD. (2019, March/April). Diversity and Culture Committee: Inaugural Asian Caucus Meeting at AACAP’s 65th Annual Meeting. AACAP News, 10-11.
- Lubin, James, MD. (2019, March/April). An Ally in the Music: How the Hip-Hop Sub-Culture Helps Us Understand Adolescents in the Inner City Helps Us Understand Adolescents in the Inner City. AACAP News, 12-13.
- Robles-Ramamurthy, Barbara, MD and Fortuna, Lisa R., MD. (2019, May/June). Diversity and Culture Column: The Importance of Addressing Perinatal Mental Health in Unaccompanied Immigrant Youth. AACAP News, 6-7.
- Mann, Andrea, DO. (2019, May/June). The Cultural Climate in Which We Practice. AACAP News, 30-31.
- Sidhu, Shawn, MD, FAPA, DFAACAP. (2019, July/August). I Left My Heart at the Border. AACAP News, 13.
- Webster, Cecil, MD. (2019, September/October). “Is it because I’m Black, Dr. Webster?”: Racial Identity Development in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. AACAP News, 7-8.
- St. Louis Regional Organization. (2019, September/October). Behind the Scenes: Why We Chose to Focus on Refugee Mental Health AACAP News, 9.
- Adam, Balkozar, MD and Pierce, Karen, MD. (2019, September/October). Advocacy at Work: Overview of the 2019 Legislative Conference and Spring Assembly. AACAP News, 10-11.
- Elnajjar, Alaa, MD. (2019, November/December). Diversity and Culture Committee: Switching Hats: Lessons Learned as a Mother and CAP. AACAP News, 10.
- Adam, Balkozar, MD and Chrissman, Alan, MD. (2018, January/February). Diversity and Culture Column: Muslim Youth. AACAP News, 9.
- Husain, Syed Arshad, MD. (2018, March/April). Childhood Victims of Trauma Internationally. AACAP News, 18-19.
- Alleyne, Shirley, MD. (2018, May/June). School Anti-Cyberbullying Policy Development in the Caribbean: How Culture Shapes Our Disciplinary Practices. AACAP News, 14-15.
- Myers, Kathleen, MD, MPH, Thang, Tran Thien, MD, and Nguyen, Dat Tan, MD, MPH. (2018, July/August). International Relations Column: Global Mental Health: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam (Việt Nam). AACAP News, 7-9.
- Schetky, Diane H., MD. (2018, July/August). Women in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Committee: Perseverance. AACAP News, 10-11.
- Asamoah,Tracey, MD. (2018, September/October). Diversity and Culture Column: Suicide in African Americans. AACAP News, 7-8.
- Cho, Jang, MD. (2018, September/October). Diversity and Culture Committee: Promoting Diversity Within AACAP Via Caucuses. AACAP News, 17-18.
- Sidhu, Shawn, MD, FAPA, DFAACAP. (2018, September/October). New Mexico Child Psychiatrists: A Tale of Two Borders. AACAP News, 15-16.
- Kanawati, Yassar, MD. (2018, November/December). International Relations Column: Saving the Lost Generation of Syria. AACAP News, 7,9.
- Webster, Jr., Cecil R., MD. (2018, November/December). Beverly Stoute, MD: Winner of AACAP’s 2018 Norbert and Charlotte Rieger Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Award. AACAP News, 8-9.
- Chandra, Rohit, MD, Chan, Vivien, MD, and Shen, Hong, MD. (2017, January/February). Diversity and Culture Column: Asian American Student Mental Health – The “Model” Minority’s Hidden Pain. AACAP News,12-13.
- Adam, Balkozar, MD. (2017, March/April). Diversity and Culture Column: International Medical Graduate Caucus. AACAP News, 10.
- Ferren, Peter M., MD, MPH. (2017, May/June). International Relations Column: International Relations: A Visit to India Created a Lasting Relationship. AACAP News, 10.
- Stepensky, Saul, MD. (2017, May/June). A Message From Mexico. AACAP News, 20-21.
- Sidhu, Shawn S., MD, Ortiz, Orlando, MD, and Prasad, Amitha, MD. (2017, September/October). Haunted Souls: Tales of Immigrant Children Being Torn from Their Parents in America. AACAP News, 23-25.
- Kanawati, Yassar, MD, and Song, Suzan, MD, MPH, PhD. (2017, November/December). International Relations Committee: Saving the Lost Generation of Syria. AACAP News, 11-12.
- Afzal, Khalid I., MD, and Radwan, Karam, MD. (2017, November/December). Assessing Parental Awareness of Child Mental Health in China and Egypt: A Novel Approach to International Integrated Care. AACAP News, 7-9.
- Robles-Ramamurthy, Barbara, MD, Fortuna, Lisa, MD, MPH, and Tillman, Cathi, LSW. (2016, January/February). Unaccompanied Latino Youth: Who is Taking Care of Them? AACAP News, 35-36.
- Nadeem, Tania, MBBS.(2016, January/February). Diversity and Culture Column: “You Are My Guardian Angel”. AACAP News, 10.
- Boodoo, Ramnarine, MD, Duncan, Alison, MD, Loo, Dyani, MD, and Sidhu, Shawn S., MD. (2016, May/June). New Mexico Council of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: New Mexico Truth: Child Advocacy Campaign Sheds Light on Our National Child Poverty Crisis. AACAP News, 14-15.
- Webb, Sala, MD, and Adam, Balkozar S., MD. (2016, September/October). Diversity and Culture Column: Youth Sex Trafficking: The Trick Coin. AACAP News, 11-12.
- Adam, Balkozar S., MD. (2016, November/December). Diversity and Culture Column: Ethical and Legal Issues in Child Psychiatry: Consent, Privacy and Refusal of Treatment. AACAP News, 11-12.
- Dreyer, Bernard P., MD, FAAP. (2016, November/December). Guest Column: AAP’s Child Poverty Agenda. AACAP News, 5-6.
- Spencer, Andrea E., MD. (2016, November/December). Guest Column: Integrated Care in Disadvantaged Communities: A Model Program. AACAP News, 7-8.
- Stewart, George, MD. (2016, November/December). International Relations: A Child Psychiatrist in Malawi. AACAP News, 15-16.
- Beal, Tim, MD. (2015, January/February). Diversity and Culture Column: Historical Trauma of the Original Peoples of North America (Canada). AACAP News, 14-16.
- Donson, Nathanial, MD. (2015, January/February). Psychotherapy Column: The ADHD Diagnosis: An International De-construction and Re-construction. AACAP News, 10-11.
- Loom, Dyani, MD, Sidhu, Shawn, MD, and Larroque, Carol, MD. (2015, March/April). New Mexico Chapter of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Detainment of Central American Child Refugees in New Mexico Sheds Light on a National Humanitarian Crisis. AACAP News, 13-14.
- Majeed, Salman, MD. (2015, March/April). The Impact of Terror Attacks on Families. AACAP News, 18-19.
- Adam, Balkozar, MD. (2015, May/June). Diversity and Culture Column: IMGs and Visas 101. AACAP News, 10-11.
- Balsamo, Dalia N., MD. (2015, May/June). Forensics Column: Gender Nonconforming Youth and the Juvenile Justice System: Time for a Policy Change? AACAP News, 8-9.
- How, Ong Say, MD. (2015, May/June). International Relations: Formation of the Singapore Section of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. AACAP News, 12-13.
- Adam, Balkozar, MD. (2015, September/October). Diversity and Culture Column: On Hiring an International Medical Graduate. AACAP News, 8.
[Note: Individuals with names in bold font are either Diversity and Culture Committee members, or AACAP Caucus members.]
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NextGen CAPs Excellence Through Mentorship Series: Advocacy Where You're At (August 27, 2024)
Dr. Ken Rogers discusses advocacy strategies within our health care systems and communities!
NextGen CAPs Presents Excellence Through Mentorship Series Inspired to Teach (March 13, 2024)
Drs. Lloyda Williamson and Colin Stewart discuss creating an engaging and inclusive training environment for diverse, multicultural, and BIPOC learners.
- Excellence Through Mentorship Series: Inspired to Write (May 4, 2023)
Drs. Suzan Song, Manpreet Singh and Justin Schreiber discuss academic and advocacy writing, and publishing opportunities. Click here to view the flyer.
2023 White House Forum on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (May 3, 2023)
Through breakout convenings, panel discussions, and cultural performances, the White House kicked off AA and NHPI Heritage Month with a rich celebration of AANHPI communities under the theme “Visible Together” – which was jointly developed with an array of AA and NHPI community partners to encourage reflection on the power of coalition building, and recognize the AANHPI community’s diversity, inclusivity, and visibility.
- Black Men and Boys in Medicine Congressional Briefing (April 27, 2023)
Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson (FL-24), Founder and Chair of the Caucus on the Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys, hosted this congressional briefing on Black Men and Boys in Medicine. The event was held in partnership with the Action Collaborative, an effort of the National Medical Association (NMA), the oldest and largest national organization representing Black physicians, and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) to address the scarcity of Black male physicians and Black men and boys in the pipeline to become physicians.
- AACAP’s Lecture Series on Improving Health Equity During the COVID-19 Era
- AACAP Virtual Forum: Medical Mistrust (March 22, 2023)
Warren Ng, MD Presidential Address - AACAP 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting - Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary
- Bullock, J., MD, MPH. (2023, March 21). Dr. Chase Anderson (Interviewed by Dr. Justin Bullock): Discussion on Violence Against Minorities, Depression, and Suicidality (episode 65). Docs With Disabilities Initiative.
- AACAP Virtual Forum: Healthcare Disparities through the Lens of Diversity During the COVID-19 Pandemic (June 13, 2020)
- AACAP Virtual Forum: Using the Current Public Health Crisis as an Opportunity for Advocacy (September 17, 2020)
- Brazelton Touchpoints Center (BTC)
Provides professional and leadership development, organizational learning and change, and research and evaluation for family-facing professionals in pediatrics, early childhood, infant mental health, children's libraries and museums, home visiting, and child welfare. View archived presentations.
- Let's Talk: Supporting Asian and Asian American Students Through COVID-19 [MGH Center for Cross-Cultural Student Emotional Wellness Webinar Series]
The series is a collaboration between MGH Institute of Health Professions, MGH Center for Cross Cultural Student Emotional Wellness, and Harvard Graduate School Education's "Let's Talk!" Conference.
- Health Care Voter The Hardest Hit (Digital) Townhall Series
This series serves to elevate the stories and experiences of Americans affected by the spread of the coronavirus, and how in the face of this epidemic the fight for affordable health care continues against the skyrocketing costs of prescription drug prices.
- NYCCAP Virtual Town Hall Series on COVID-19 Topics
- AMA Center for Health Equity
The discussions focus on the wide disparities and AMA is doing to promote health equity for all Americans.
- Reimagining Policing in the Wake of Continued Police Violence [MBK Alliance Town Hall Series]
A conversation on police violence issues and the steps that can be taken to make reforms within our community.
- AACAP’s Screenside Chats
Including Episode 4 - Health Equities and Disparities in the COVID-19 Era - A Conversation with AMA President Patrice A. Harris, MD
- APA 2020 Spring Highlights Meeting
- Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture (SSPC) Webinar Series
Features the latest hot topics in Cultural Psychiatry.
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Books, Media, & Related Material
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Related Websites
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Additional Professional Resources
I. Research
Acculturation, development, and adaptation
Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am.
October 2010 – Volume 19 – issue 4 – pp 681-696
Culture and development in children and youth
Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am.
October 2010 – Volume 19 – issue 4 – pp 661-680
'Our community is the worst': the influence of cultural beliefs on stigma, relationships with family and help-seeking in three ethnic communities in London.
Int J Soc Psychiatry
Sept. 2013 – Volume 59 – issue 6 – pp 535-544
The Muslim child, adolescent, and family
Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am.
January 2004 – Volume 13 – issue 1 – pp 183-200
Language, culture, and adaptation in immigrant children
Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am.
January 2010 – Volume 19 – issue 4 – pp 697-717
Leaving No Children or Families outside: The Challenges of Immigration
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
2010 - Volume 80 - Issue 4 - pp 505-515
Mental Health of Immigrants and Refugees
Community Mental Health Journal
October 2005 - Volume 41 – Issue 5 – pp 581-597
II. Training
Culturally informed child psychiatry practice
Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am.
October 2010 – Volume 19 – issue 4 – pp 759-774
Training child and adolescent psychiatrists to be culturally competent
Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am.
October 2010 – Volume 19 – issue 4 – pp 815-831
III. Curriculum
Diversity and Culture competency Curriculum for child and Adolescent Psychiatry Training (AACAP)
A Four-Year Model Curriculum on Culture, gender, LGBT, Religion, and Spirituality for General Psychiatry (Residency Training Programs in the United States)
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Other Related Topics
Disparities in Mental Health Care
Immigration and Refugees
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