Practical Steps to Create a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Integrated Training Program (aka “Child Track”)
Establish Track
Meet with Department Chair and Residency Program Directors to propose program. Explore increased pediatric and child mental health training and supervision opportunities. Determine the logistics and develop implementation plan. Once a Child Track is established, post child track information on departmental website.
Contact the Designated Institutional Official (DIO) to get institutional permission and Graduate Medical Education (GME) leadership involvement and guidance from the beginning of the process.
Child Tracks are not formally listed on FRIEDA other than a generic checkbox listing of “offers another track” embedded in the psychiatry residency program general information (Environment tab). Once a Child Track is established, FRIEDA needs to be updated to reflect whether or not the program will enter the CAP fellowship match (or fill internally).
Contact ERAS to request that a child track is formally established within their system for applicants to search. Once a Child Track is established, ERAS needs to be updated to reflect whether or not the program will enter the CAP fellowship match (or fill internally). Program directors work together on strategy for collaboratively screening and inviting applicants.
Contact NRMP to have a separate NRMP Program Code assigned to the Child Track program. Program directors determine interview and ranking strategies (i.e. reversion of unfilled child track positions to general rank list, determination of order of Child Track candidates on general list, consideration to not rank certain candidates on both lists, etc.)
Track Administration
Residency program typically administers PGY1-3 Clinical Competency Committees (CCC) as well as semi-annual reviews, etc. CAP fellowship program typically administers PGY4-5.
Program directors coordinate to keep GME office updated regarding program complement and individual trainee status within each track.
No specific ACGME steps required to create a Child Track. Once a Child Track is established, General Psychiatry and CAP fellowship program directors and coordinators collaborate to enter milestones and update WebADS throughout the course of training.
No specific ABPN steps required to create a Child Track. Once a Child Track is established, General Psychiatry and CAP fellowship program directors and coordinators work together to monitor and track requirements and update PreCert accordingly.