June 2013

OCCAP Announces New Officers

At the meeting of the Oklahoma Council of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry held immediately following the conclusion of the Oklahoma Psychiatric Physicians Association annual CME conference at the RAPP Foundation Conference Center April 6, 2013, the following officers were announced:

Heather Geis, MD, President;
William Hamilton, MD, Vice President;
Brent Bell, DO, Secretary/Treasurer;
Shree Vinekar, MD, CME and Membership Chair and ACCAP Delegate;
William Scimeca, MD, Alternate Delegate;
Ana Maria Gutierrez, MD,
Vimala Sekar, MD,
Dean Martin, MD,
John Raizen, MD, Councilors-at-Large; and
Alison Dancer, MD, Past President.

OCCAP Announces New Officers

OCCAP meeting attendees included (from left to right) David Kuekes, MD; William Hamilton, MD; Heather Geis, MD; Shree Vinekar, MD, Ana Maria Gutierrez, MD, Laurie Kearns, MD and Renee Mixon, Executive Director.

Child and adolescent psychiatrists interested in OCCAP may contact the organization by sending an email to oklacap@gmail.com.

Graduation Dinner Hosted Recently for Child Fellows

by Heather Geis, MD, President

We had three child fellows graduate from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center program June 14, 2013.

In celebration of their accomplishments, the Oklahoma Council of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry hosted a graduation dinner Saturday, June 15th. Thanks to all who attended this event! I certainly had a great time! It was wonderful to hear stories about the fellowship programs of today and yesterday.

The three graduates are Nathan Davis, MD, who will be entering private practice and working at Cedar Ridge; Naveena Boindala, MD, who will be working at Integris Spencer; and Hiawang Tang, MD, who has opened an outpatient practice in northwest Oklahoma City and is accepting referrals.

Happily, they are all staying in Oklahoma!

Warm Welcome

OCCAP extends a warm welcome to the three new child fellows entering the OUHSC program this summer: Laura Smith, MD; Humaira Abid, MD; and Geetika Verma, MD who join current child fellows Courtney Nixon, MD and Fadalia Kim, MD.