Cultural and Community Considerations in Conducting Telepsychiatry with Youth
Roberto Montenegro, MD, PhD and Lloyda Broomes Williamson, MD, DFAPA, DFAACAP

  • Child and adolescent psychiatrists’ increased reach through the use of telepsychiatry allows youth and families of diverse backgrounds to receive services not otherwise available to them.
  • Telepsychiatrists should not assume that a difference in social, economic, income, geographic, racial, ethnic or cultural backgrounds with their patients precludes ability to establish rapport and a therapeutic relationship through videoconferencing.
  • Discordant beliefs between the youth and care takers are frequently related to family distress, rather than related to the family’s location, ethnicity, cultural heritage, or religious affiliation. The telepsychiatrist should not stereotype but specifically inquire about the individual views of both the youth and family.
  • Establishing social, political, and cultural awareness and competence with both the youth and family through videoconference requires the psychiatrist to take extra care to convey understanding of the youth’s and family’s needs.
  • Telepsychiatrists are part of a local team. Establishing strong working relationships with the team can help telepsychiatrists to develop cultural and social competence and facilitate interventions.  This may take more time and skill when collaborating through videoconferencing. The investment will yield benefits for the psychiatrist, team members, youth, family, and community.


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