Triple Board Publications

Read about the Triple Board Training Programs in Press!

Although triple board is relatively new way of training, the process and outcome have been described in a number of publications. Overall, the results show that triple board graduates describe high satisfaction with their training path, can pass the boards at similar (or better) rates as their categorically trained peers, and excel in clinical interactions. Follow the links to learn more!

Fritsch, S. L. (2009). Memoirs of a triple board pioneer. Academic Psychiatry, 33(2), 93-95. Link to abstract: View site

Gleason MM, Fritz GK (2009), Innovative Training in Pediatrics, General Psychiatry, and Child Psychiatry: Background, Outcomes, and Experiences. Academic Psychiatry 33: 99-104

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OBJECTIVES: The authors describe the history, rationale, and outcomes of combined training programs in pediatrics, psychiatry,and child psychiatry ("triple board";), including narrative feedback from graduates and reflections upon the important components of the program. METHODS: This article reviews the background and experiences of triple board graduates and programs using published data regarding triple board history and outcomes,reflections and follow-up information collected from triple board graduates as part of a national triple board network development,and direct experiences with triple board training programs.RESULTS: The triple board training program provides a unique training background for physicians who serve children and their families. The programs train physicians who seek out additional training opportunities, succeed in passing board certification examinations, and earn national recognition. Additionally, feedback from graduates reflects satisfaction with training experiences.CONCLUSION: The outcomes from this experiment in integrated training in child psychiatry support the consideration of expanding triple board training programs and introducing new innovations in training.

Gray DD, Bilder DA, Leonard HL, Anders T (2007), Triple board training and the new "portals"; into child psychiatry training. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America 16: 55-66

Originally an experiment in medical training, the triple board program has established itself as a permanent and successful training program. It offers a viable 5-year alternative to the traditional 7 to 8 years of residency training required for board eligibility in pediatrics, general psychiatry, and child and adolescent psychiatry. One primary objective of this course was to address for workforce shortage of child psychiatrists by recruiting medical students who may otherwise have pursued general pediatrics. The second objective was to bridge the gap between child psychiatry and pediatrics by training physicians proficient in the culture, language, and content of both specialty fields. Although the shortage crisis continues, both objectives were met. The success of the triple board experiment has facilitated further consideration and support for the development of other novel training portals into child psychiatry.

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Larroque CM (2009), A personal perspective on triple board certification. Academic Psychiatry 33: 96-98

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Schonwalter JE (1989), Triple Board: Tinker to Evers to Chance. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 28: 124-129

Schonwalter JE. (1993), Tinker to Evers to Chance: Triple board update. J Am Acad Child and Adolesc Psychiatry. 32:243.

Schowalter JE, Friedman CP, Scheiber SC, Juul D (2002), An Experiment in Graduate Medical Education: Combined Residency Training in Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Acad Psychiatry 26: 237-244

As an experiment in graduate medical education, a 5-year curriculum in pediatrics, psychiatry, and child and adolescent psychiatry was developed and evaluated over a 10-year period. The evaluation results suggested that the program’s goal to create a cadre of specialists was achieved in terms of recruitment, performance during training, fostering of clinical reasoning ability, board certification rates, and postgraduate activities. As a result,the American Boards of Pediatrics and of Psychiatry and Neurology decided to make the combined training track permanent, and the numbers of training sites and residents have since been expanded.

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Warren MJ, Dunn DW, Rushton J (2006), Outcome measures of triple board graduates: 1991-2003. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 45: 700-708

Objective: To describe program outcomes for the Combined Training Program in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry (Triple Board Program). Method: All Triple Board Program graduates to date (1991-2003) were asked to participate in a 37-item written survey from February to April 2004. Results: The response rate was 80.7%. Most graduates go on to careers in child and adolescent psychiatry, spending a mean of 72.3% of their time in the field; however, 24.8% of respondents spend at least one fourth of their time in pediatrics and 8.0% spend one fourth of their time or more in general psychiatry. Many graduates are involved in academics, teaching, and research. Board pass rates (including repeat attempts) were highest for general (95.8%) and child and adolescent psychiatry (91.4%) and lowest for pediatrics (77.2%), and a minority (36.3%) of graduates are fully "triple boarded"; (i.e., have completed oral and written boards in all three fields). Of graduates, 93.8% stated they would re-enroll in the Triple Board Program, and satisfaction with the curriculum was high. Conclusion: The Triple Board Program is successful in terms of career outcomes, involvement in academics, boards pass rates, and graduate reported satisfaction. These data may help determine the future of this combined program in addressing workforce issues in child and adolescent psychiatry.

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See the results of the training! Outcome Measures of Triple Board Graduates: 1991-2003 – A PowerPoint presentation.