Welcome to AACAP's create account page.  This will create a NEW user account on AACAP's website.  

If you are a member of AACAP, DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT.  Creating a new account will not allow you access to your member account; this will instead create a duplicate account in the system for you.  To access your member account and receive full benefits of AACAP membership (including dues payments, member registration rates for events and orders, and members' only areas of this site), you must log in to your existing AACAP member account.  

If you are accessing AACAP CME activities for products purchased or events attended, DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT. Creating a new account will not allow you access to your existing CME activities; this will instead create a duplicate account in the system for you.  You must log in using the account you used to purchase a product or register for an event.

You can request the Username or Password for your existing account by returning to the SignIn page and selecting Forgot my Username or Password.  Follow the instructions for access, and your login information will be sent to the primary email associated with your account.

You may also contact AACAP Member Services at membership@aacap.org or by phone at 202.966.7300, ext. 2004 to assist you with your login information.

All others, please create an account to continue.

Create a new AACAP User Account

The password must be at least 7 characters long and must contain one letter and one number.