2021 Annual Meeting Institute 7 Online Notebook
2021 Annual Meeting Institute 7 Online Notebook
What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts?

The AACAP Presidential Task Force charged to address problems presented by emotionally dysregulated children presents its findings and outlines implications for future investigation. The agreed term to describe children impaired in their capacity to modulate intensity and temporal features of negative emotional arousal is “impairing emotional outbursts.” The Task Force devised a system to code outbursts; developed measures to track frequency, severity, and duration; and delineated evidence-based interventions. Presentations include the current clinical treatments, development of a modular psychosocial intervention, effective responses for staff to manage students at school, best practices for inpatient and residential treatment, and prevention possibilities that build on resilience. A request to allow for the development of a DMS-5 “R” code for “impairing emotional outbursts” and the related implications for clinical, research, and billing issues are discussed.

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