
Tell Me, Papa: A family book for children’s questions about death and funeralsTell Me, Papa: A family book for children’s questions about death and funerals
Author: Joy and Marv Johnson

Keywords: death, funerals, coffin, graveyard, memorial service, grief

This book is an excellent nuts and bolts play-by-play of exactly what happens when a person dies, from the mechanics of the body dying, to exactly where the body goes and how it is prepared for burial. In addition, a step-by-step sequence of events is explained from memorial service to visitation, to burial and then visits to the house by friends and family. This book is especially helpful for children going to their first funeral so they know what to expect. Additionally, it explains very well the difference between sleeping and dying.

Audience: child (elementary and middle school)

Considerations: Excellent as an introduction to first-time funeral attendance for children.
