Health Information Technology
Healthcare in the 21st century is practically synonymous with health information technology (HIT). Whether it be through clinical care, advocacy, public health, administration, or research, child and adolescent psychiatrists must be literate in healthcare information technology. AACAP provides resources for clinicians as well as their patients and families to not only bridge the digital divide, but to leverage technology to provide better mental health care for our patients.
Not sure where to start? Start here! Resources include tips on selecting an electronic health record, links to recent HIT news and publications, and facts for families.
Learn how AACAP advocates to ensure that information systems consider special characteristics for pediatric mental health service delivery.
NEW! 21st Century Cures Act Introduction and FAQs for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
A compendium of links to external websites related to HIT. Also includes resources for clinicians who are interested in learning more about the science of clinical informatics.
Learn more about AACAP’s HIT Committee.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Email for help.